Two features characterized this extraordinary man: his absolute passion for Art, for which he had an infallible instinct, and his unscrupulousness in obtaining those works of art he wanted to posses. Borghese's collection of great works of art, such as Raffaello's Woman with the Unicorn, Domenichino's Diana, Boticelli's Madonna and Child, Caravaggio's David, Bernini's Apollo and Daphne, Canova's Paolina, Tiziano's Amor Sacro & Amor Profano, just to name a few, is also a never ending drama of untold stories about art being stolen from churches, artists being sent to jail, their workshops being devastated by Borghese's confiscations, mysterious deaths, and other innumerable stories of intrigue and passion that explain to us how the Baroque could sometimes cost more than life itself! The visit to the Borghese Gallery is a must! Borghese called his huge park of wonders, of which the Galleria is only a part, "The Theater of the Universe." Join us! We wish to show you exactly what Cardinal Borghese meant, illustrating the story of Passion and Art! After visiting the Gallery, we will walk shortly through the beautiful Villa Borghese park, and end at the Spanish Steps.
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